


Dr. Shuo Zhao, Professor

School of International Studies, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

Biography: Dr. Shuo Zhao is Professor in Communication University of China (CUC) and Fellow of New York Academy of Sciences while he is guest professor/PhD Superviser in University of Malaya(UM), Krirk University of Thailand and visiting professor in Universidad Nacional de Rosario(UNR) in Argentina. He received his two Ph.D in Shanghai International Studies University and Northwestern Polytechnical University. He did his Postdoctoral Research both in Fudan University, Shanghai of China and Universitat of Barcelona, Barcelona of Spain. He is majored in higher education, digital education and linguistic study. Professor Shuo Zhao ever presides over National Social Science Fund in China, China Postdoctoral Science Fund, Humanities and Social Science Fund of Chinese Ministry of Education, National Education Science Program. He publishes more than 100 papers and articles approximately. He is awarded as International Humanity Scholar by American Common Ground Publishing and CEU of Spain in 2014. In addition he is awarded as Emerging Humanity Scholar by American Common Ground Publishing and Imperial College London in 2017. Recently he is awarded as Emerging Scholar by Universidad Complutense of Spain in 2021, Emerging Scholar by University of Aegean of Greece in 2022, Emerging Scholar by University of Sorbonne of France in 2023, Emerging Scholar by Sapienza University of Rome of Italy in 2024.

Topic: European Bilingual Education Policy and Model in Bologna Process

Abstract: First it will introduce CLIL education policy in EU (Content and Language Integrated Learning).Then development of bilingual education in EU will be discussed. Based on bilingual education model curriculum design of bilingual education in European Union is expounded with case analysis of bilingual education in Luxemburg and France. Evaluation on bilingual education will be put forward at last.

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